Sajek Valley,Rangamti,Chittagong,Banglaesh.

Sajek Valley
Sajek Valley
Have you at any point been interested about how it feels like to be in a place where all you will watch is exactly how terrific this world is? Or, then again perhaps envisioned yourself remaining around the summit of an expanded Hill, while the delicate cloud touches your face and the sound of nature unwinds your very soul? On the off chance that you are tingling in an endeavor something new and testing, at that point maybe a trek around the Sajek in Bangladesh may fulfill your yearning intended for enterprise.
Sajek is a union at Baghaichari Upazila in Rangamati regions. Fundamentally it is name of a stream which isolates Bangladesh from India. In the east of Sajek Valley there is Tripura of India, in the west longdu of Rangamati, in the north the mijuram of India, and in the south there is dighinala of Khagrachori. In spite of the fact that it is arranged in Rangamati, yet it is anything but difficult to go Sajek shape dighinala of Khagrachori . The valley is 2,000 ft high frame ocean lavel. Numerous little waterways course through the slopes among them Kachalon and Machalong are popular. The principle ethnic minorities on the valley are Chakma, Marma, Tripura, Pankua, Lushai and Sagma.

Sajek is a position of ever-green woody sky with regular waterfalls, moving white-dark delicate velvet cloud and as you trek your way to the best, you will be astounded by observing a few one of a kind bright singing feathered creatures, plants and creatures that must be found in this locale. The pleasant scene is adorned with green slopes, soak precipices wedged amongst cloud and sky, streams and lake filled cool and peaceful water and green-gold woods lining tribal towns. This superb territory is so honored by nature and that the place is known as slope ruler and top of Rangamati.
Sajek is a position of ever-green woody sky with regular waterfalls, moving white-dark delicate velvet cloud and as you trek your way to the best, you will be astounded by observing a few one of a kind bright singing feathered creatures, plants and creatures that must be found in this locale. The pleasant scene is adorned with green slopes, soak precipices wedged amongst cloud and sky, streams and lake filled cool and peaceful water and green-gold woods lining tribal towns. This superb territory is so honored by nature and that the place is known as slope ruler and top of Rangamati.

Sajek Valley
How to Reach Sajek:-
From Dhaka many transport administrations are accessible. They are Saint Martin(AC), Soudia, Eagle, Shyamoli, S Alam and that's only the tip of the iceberg. After reach to Khagrachhori, you require a Chander Gari to touch base at Sajek. The course is Khagrachhori – Dighinala Bazaar – Bagaihat Bazaar – Machalong Haat – then Sajek. Primary transportation is Chander Gari which resembles a four wheel jeep. At some point guest can take some tea berak in transit at Haat. From Dighinala explorer can procure engine bike.The district is to a great degree in reverse. Guest can likewise go to Sajek from Rangamati by motor vessel. It takes 5-6 hours. Baghaichari is the arrival station and Baghaichari to Sajek by Chander Gari. Ordinarily it is smarter to book save for return travel.

Sajek Valley
Where to remain at Sajek:-
Bangladesh government has constructed some resort for traveler. This convenience are tad costly however high caliber. There are some other private offices here. Sajek resort and Runmoy resort are controlled by Army and these are of world class standard. One should book well before to get the room. One may likewise remain at tent house for experience. Every cutting edge office are accessible with tents. There are likewise little house and quarters for the guests with less costs. One must remain around evening time to see the sun set and sun ascend in the slopes. Moonlit night will include extra magnificence.

What to eat at Sajek:-
Under direction of Bangladesh armed force, there are some great lodging and eatery. Stone restaurent is the best place to eat. It is with sajek resort. There are different inns, may not be great. Yet, It is smarter to bring nourishment from Bazaar. Explorer can cook sustenance by the assistance of neighborhood individuals. Shops are accessible for tea, cigarette and scone. Be that as it may, the best in the event that you convey dry sustenance and water since things are expensive here.

Sajek Valley
Beauty of Sajek Valley:--
Most attractions of the spot are sun set, rain, morning, night, and night and native individuals. Directly in the wake of intersection high slopes, blue water, pivoting way finished tough area, long ranges and a moment on crazy ride, once you will reach to Sajek, you'll get yourself two thousand feet over the ocean level. What will likewise detect you that you are close to the highest point of the world. The little town around the mountain is full with respect to intriguing excellence and agreeable to nature. Slopes secured together with lavish green trees, cool air, natural air, delightful valleys or more all mists in the city embracing you with pressed with satisfaction and one of a wide range of emotions that you ought to have, in the wake of seeing the undetectable magnificence of both dawn and dusk from your same place. As Sajek is exceptionally towards the worldwide limit subsequently you'll locate an appealing thing to embrace a view from Sajek point amid the night, since lighting on the specific mountains valleys in Mijoram appears like stars on earth and gives an all encompassing perspective originating from tallness. There you can see one of numerous most established and farthest BOP (Border Out there Post) of Border Shield of Bangladesh. You additionally can see the breeze sun oriented diesel mixture framework (Windmill) which can be first presented in Bangladesh basically by Bangladesh Army.
Sajek Valley

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